Bonjour, my name is Amari Pardi (at least that’s what I am on this
website anyways). Welcome to my personal catalog of text, images, and
opinions. My most popular blog thread follows my adventures in trash
registry; where I collect, photograph, and explain the life and death of
my everyday items.
A bit about me, I enjoy playing video games, I find stuffed animals
comforting, I love to eat dark chocolate at night, and I always drink
coffee in the morning. I have a scrapbook journal, I like to buy things
for my loved ones, and I have a small dislike for people with absurd
phobias. I guess an important thing to know about me is that I am fond
of the tangents taken in life fueled by passion. I am often inspired by
art, movies, books, people, and music to do random projects
passionately. Or at least that is something I try to center my life
around; passion for the things I do. Also my favorite color is pink.
check out my personal website
some places I've been to:
This chair serves as a trash familiar on the porch of my home. Seemingly it is not trash, it looks like a regular old chair, to some perhaps dingy. However it serves no use (at least I have never seen it be used), and therefore is sorta like trash. However the moment someones bum touches its dusty seat, it ascends from Trash Familiar to Familiar that is kinda Trashy